01. Denkste denn, denkste denn...... (Petersburger Marsch)
02. Das war in Schöneberg
03. Berliner Luft
04. Solang noch untern Linden (Lindenmarsch)
05. In den Ruinen von Berlin
Music: Friedrich Hollaender
Billy Wilder, Friedrich Holländer and Marlene Dietrich have numerous things in common: all of them were born at the turn of the century, and they all spent their youth in Berlin. They all were successful artists, when the sound era in movies began – and all of them emigrated to the USA after Hitler’s seizure of power.
In 1948, they returned to Berlin together for the shooting of „A foreign affair”. Friedrich Holländer composed the soundtrack to the movie, Billy Wilder directed it, and Marlene Dietrich starred as the lead.
The movie is a black humoured satire on the coexistence of Germans and the Allies in the occupied post-war Berlin. Marlene Dietrich plays an unscrupulous, opportunistic Nazi singer. Dietrich sings the song „The ruins of Berlin” in German as well as in the „occupants’” languages: English, French and Russian.
06. Das ist der Frühling von Berlin
07. Die Männer sind alle Verbrecher
08. Die Nacht ist nicht allein zum Schlafen da
09. Kleiner Bär von Berlin
10. Berliner Samba (orginal Titel: Berliner Polka)
11. Lili Marleen
12. Untern Linden, Untern Linden
13. Berlin bleibt doch Berlin
14. Zwei in einer großen Stadt
15. Was eine Frau im Frühling träumt
16. Pack die Badehose ein
17. Ich hab noch einen Koffer in Berlin
18. Kauf dir einen bunten Luftballon
19. LaLeLu